Provide a summary rationale for the changes you made to your organization's operating budget

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For this assignment, you will
develop an organizational budget plan utilizing your choice of budget reports.
Although your Organizational Budget Plan will be professionally relevant, it will be
structured according to established academic guidelines and will contain an
introduction, literature review, budgetary line items, discussion, and conclusion.
You will take on the role of the chief operating officer for the  California
Department of Corrections. In this role, you have been called upon to cut your
agency's operating costs by 25%. Your tasks are to decide where costs should be cut,
rationalize your decisions based on available literature, and draft an appropriate
budget plan outlining your decisions. Your budget plan should allow the organization
to function adequately and provide the necessary public service required of its
mission statement.
When considering your chosen report, keep in mind that the total operating budget
for your respective agency must be cut by the requisite 25%. The resulting amount
will be the total available funding for your agency for the upcoming fiscal year.
Do not create an entirely new budget. Your task is to take the funds available for
your agency for the upcoming fiscal year and provide a rationale for the cuts you
decide upon and how the money will be reallocated among the budgetary line items.
The following headings and content must be included in the budget plan.
Literature Review
For this section of your plan, you must research and include a minimum of nine
scholarly and/or professional resources published within the last 10 years.
Explain the basic elements of decision-making and public finance in law enforcement
or correctional organizations in general. Define and describe what is meant by the
terms: strategic management, quality management, operations management, and project
management. Explain the distinctions between qualitative versus quantitative
decision-making and describe various ways both styles of decision-making are
important for a criminal justice organization.   
Examine the management philosophy of Henri Fayol (1917) and briefly describe the
ways planning, organizing, leading, controlling, and coordinating impact an agency's
budgetary considerations. Apply these theoretical concepts of management and
leadership to your chosen agency’s budgetary reduction and explain how these
considerations reflect strategic management practices. 
Explain the basic premises of budget management and preparation as they pertain to
corrections. Provide a detailed explanation of the nuances of budget management and
preparation that are unique to your chosen agency.
Budgetary Line Items
Review your researched literature and analyze the technical aspects of program
budgeting and finance as they pertain to corrections. Explain how strategic,
quality, and operations management impact these institutions. Defend any budget cuts
you include in your budgetary plan based on your research.
Evaluate financial constraints facing your selected organization, taking into
consideration the concepts of demand and supply as they pertain to the type of
agency you chose. Identify relevant stakeholders, potential sources of competition,
economies of scale, and financial constraints facing your agency. 
Create a budget for your agency that reduces the overall spending by 25% and
reallocates funds as necessary. The format of the budget should mirror that of the
chosen budget report and include both table and narrative sections. Charts and
graphs are encouraged; however, images of people and items should not be included in
your budget. The various budgeted requirements for your organization are provided in
your chosen budget report. You must take into consideration the unique requirements
of your chosen organization and provide a logical reallocation of funds where
necessary. You must provide a thorough rationale for each reallocation.
Discussion and Conclusion
Assess the impact of your proposed budget changes on the fiscal health and human
resources management of the agency. Provide a summary rationale for the changes you
made to your organization's operating budget.