Why were the Spaniards able to pull off this feat and why did Spanish culture become so dominant over that of the Indians (be sure to include the role of disease)?

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For Topic 5 begin the readings as
per the syllabus including downloading the chronology, the excerpt from the Popol
Vuh and view the film Conquest.  Answer the following question in 1-2 pages,
double-spaced (due 11/4):
Great civilizations had been built up in Mexico, Central and South America but a
relatively handful of Spaniards, including Cortez and Pizzaro were wildly
successful.  Why were the Spaniards able to pull off this feat and why did Spanish
culture become so dominant over that of the Indians (be sure to include the role of
disease)? (Hint:The rapid die-off of the Amer-Indians, largely attributed to
disease, especially smallpox,  which was seen in supernatural terms, the feeling
among the indigenous natives was that the Spanish God was able to protect the
Europeans while the natived gods did not. The result was massive conversion to
Spanish religion and culture.). The film "Conquest" is helpful in answering this