Examine how employment law affects ethical leadership.

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North Carolina Central Prison
Eight inmates file a lawsuit against the State of North Carolina alleging repeated
while handcuffed and shackled.
Biesecker, M. (2013, January 10). Lawsuit: Eight inmates beaten at NC Central
Prison. Associated Press.
Retrieved from
It is important that executives and senior-level leaders provide techniques to
expand their capacity to not only think strategically, but to act strategically. It
is not enough to be able to merely respond to situations; rather, it is imperative
that events be anticipated and that trends be evaluated for their potential impact
on the organization. Performance measurement is used in conjunction with strategic
planning to ensure that planning goals are met. Performance must be measureable and
tracked to ensure that the strategic plan is being adhered to and is still relevant
to the success of the organization. It is essential for leadership to work
collaboratively with all tiers of an organization in order for the vision and
mission of the organization to be actualized. None of this can be achieved without
For this assignment, place yourself in the position of a manager in the organization
represented in your scenario.
Evaluate the ethical issues that pertain to the event(s) within the scenario.
Examine how employment law affects ethical leadership.
Explain performance measurement as a significant component in the creation of any
ethical organization.
Analyze specific laws and the impacts they have that either support or hinder
ethical leadership.